The Trinity - A Community of Love Years ago, I listed to a recording or Fr. Richard Rohr presenting the Trinity as a ‘Divine Dance’ (The Divine Dance of the Trinity: Exploring the Mystery of the Trinity’). There was something alluring about thinking of the Trinity as movement. Symbols of the Holy Spirit come to mind with movement and transformation – water, wind, fire. When I think of dancers, I think to collaboration, of flow, of such an innate level of communication that their movements come together as one – they are one dance. The dancers are transformed by the Dance. They become One. One flow. One experience. Sometimes the next steps of the Divine Dance are totally unexpected. I was particularly moved by an unexpected phone call recently from a fellow Secular; I woke the next morning with their words flowing through my mind. Our conversation was such a gift. This Secular Franciscan is a beautiful example of living a vocation of love. They are the primary caregiver for an incapacitated friend. With all the caregiving responsibilities, are unable to join us at in-person Gatherings, and without a computer, can’t join us on Zoom. They have stayed connected to us though our Newsletter, the Cord. This person also remained lovingly committed to their Secular Franciscan vocation. When encouraged by a former Secular Franciscan to renounce their vocation, they remained steadfast. Steadfast in their love of Christ, walking in the footprints of St. Francis of Assisi. I heard this love, dedication, and commitment in their voice. What an incredible witness! I hope one day this incredible person will be able to join us in person and in community - because we are all part of this big, beautiful, Divine Dance. Pace e bene -
Laura Chun, OFS Minister, San Luis Rey Fraternity
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July 2022
Secular Franciscan Order
Old Mission San Luis Rey 4050 Mission Avenue Oceanside, CA 92057 phone
1-800-372-6247 |
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