As we continue to live with the shadow of the pandemic, we also continue to receive the grace of God present in our Catholic faith. We look forward to the feast of Corpus Christi and the celebration of the belief of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This celebration arrives as our hearts are full of longing for the Eucharist. God is present to us in the Eucharist we have been blessed to receive throughout the years – of Sunday and often daily Mass. That grace does not go away. Jesus, present in the Eucharist transforms those who receive him. God is present to us in the Eucharist that we may be able to draw close to in the form of Eucharistic Adoration. God is present to us in the scriptures. Consider prayerfully reading, reflecting, and praying as ‘Lectio Divina’ the Last Supper narratives (Mt. 26:17–30, Mk. 14:12–26, Lk. 22:7–39) or John 6. John 6 connects the Eucharist to the miraculous feeding of five thousand and contains the “Bread of Life” discourse, where Jesus teaches that his flesh is true food and his blood true drink. God is present to us in our Community as we gather, even virtually. “Sacrifice” © Jen Norton. Used with permission. As we move into the celebration of Corpus Christi, let us like St. Francis, share in the awe of the Eucharist. Let us be like spring flowers with roots that run deep in Jesus and nourished by the waters of prayer and all the sacramental grace that God has so generously poured into our hearts. Pace e Bene +
Laura, OFS Minister
Christian hope is not the belief that everything always comes our right… that is optimism. Optimism is about tomorrow. Christian hope is about today. Christian hope is understanding that during these hard times, God embraces us. This Easter of all Easters… it is a time of hope. It is hope that will sustain us today and through the long haul. It is hope that will sustain us in the darkness. It is hope that will be a bubble that ‘floats’ above the chaos. It is in hope that we connect with each other and remain steadfast in prayer. It is spirit of hope that pervades our father Francis’s joy in all things. It is this hope, this Christian hope, that we are called to live – individually and as a community. We are all in this together; let us together share Christian hope. Pace e Bene + Laura, OFS Minister Detail from 'Flock in the Promised Land' © Jen Norton. Used with permission.
July 2022
Secular Franciscan Order
Old Mission San Luis Rey 4050 Mission Avenue Oceanside, CA 92057 phone
1-800-372-6247 |
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