Hail, Holy Queen Hail, O Lady, Holy Queen, Mary, holy Mother of God: you are the virgin made church and the one chosen by the most holy Father in heaven whom He consecrated with His most holy beloved Son and with the Holy Spirit the Paraclete, in whom there was and is all the fullness of grace and every good. So begins the Salutation of the Blessed Virgin Mary by St. Francis of Assisi. According to Franciscantradition.org, this simple collection of titles forms a litany of greetings describing Mary’s role in the plan of salvation. As we come together for our May 15th gathering, we will begin our gathering time together with this beautiful prayer as we celebrate our special Franciscan connection with the Blessed Mother, particularly as the Immaculate Conception. We will begin our day with our Chapel prayer at 12:30 with the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It will be a beautiful way to spend time with Our Lady. Inside the May edition of our newsletter, The Cord, you will find articles that tell parts of this amazing story. Sam DeSantis will be writing about St. Joseph the Worker (Feast Day 5/1), Jan DeSpain will be writing on the Visitation (Feast Day 5/31), and Marta Kassai will be reflecting on the Immaculate Conception and that incredible and long held devotion in Franciscan spirituality. I leave you with a prayer of Consecration to Our Blessed Mother as a gift for the month of May: O Immaculata, you are my queen and my mother. I, (your name), a Secular Franciscan, consecrate and entrust my entire life to you. Through your Immaculate Heart, keep me always faithful and united to the Sacred Heart of your Son, to the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi, and to the magisterium of the Catholic Church. Please help me to remain pure and holy, O Immaculata. I love you. Amen.
Blessings to you – Laura Chun, OFS Minister, San Luis Rey Fraternity
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So Much to Celebrate! On April 16th we celebrate the anniversary of the Franciscan order; tradition holds that the Primitive Rule for the Friars was approved on April 16th, 1209 by Pope Innocent III. Just as with the friars, we reflect and recommit to our lives as Franciscans, for us as Seculars we will renew the promises of our Secular Franciscan profession.
Our April gathering (April 10th) is on Palm Sunday. We will remember St. Clare’s ‘YES’ to God on Palm Sunday 1212 (see image, above)[1]. On that day, the bishop of Assisi handed the eighteen-year-old Clare a palm, a symbolic gesture arranged by Saint Francis. Shortly afterward, the young Clare gave up her luxurious life as the daughter of a wealthy nobleman. Her hair was cut off. Her rich garments were discarded. And she was received into the Franciscan life. Eventually, Saint Francis helped her to establish her own order and through her determination and years of her dedication, her own Rule.[2] May God grant you peace! Laura Chun, OFS Minister, San Luis Rey Fraternity [1] The image above is one of the earliest German medieval panel paintings probably made for the convent of the Poor Clares in Nuremberg. (Tempera on wood, 1360). Note the Bishop handing the palm to Chare. Note also Francis in the background with scissors in hand to cute Clare’s beautiful hair.
[2] From https://ofsgb.org/franciscan-gallery-a-palm-for-saint-clare-1360/, referenced 3/26/2022 |
July 2022
Secular Franciscan Order
Old Mission San Luis Rey 4050 Mission Avenue Oceanside, CA 92057 phone
1-800-372-6247 |
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